FAQ Branding More
Branding resources
Downloads, guidelines, etc.
Happy to help
In case you are planning to publish any kind of advertisement for PulseX.com consult the Telegram Chat. Dozens of skilled designers from the community are happy to do design work for you! Also hundreds of artworks are in there for inspiration.

Open @HEXdesign
Logo downloads
Official PulseX logo

Official PulseX logo - dark version

PulseX X logo vector

PulseX logo sticker

The wordmark font is a customized variant of Avenir Next Bold. The primary font used in all of Richard Heart's brandings is Poppins, feel free to use this font in every design that has to do with his products!

The red and green shapes in the X represent candles on a trading chart (=eXchange). The bullish green candle cuts through the bearish red one. Also, the rounded top-left & bottom-right corners of the branding result in shapes that flow up & to right. Hopefully the price charts of all the PRC20s on PulseX will too.

The PulseX logo is licensed under Fair Use. You may use it to advertise PulseX.com without any permission. You also may design your own merchandise for private use. You may not generate profit from selling anything that mainly consists of the logo.
Stylization & spelling
PulseX, PulseX.com, PLSX - please mind the capitalization.
Writing "PulseX.com" is superior to "#PulseX" or "$PLSX" (for example on Twitter). It is better to direct users to the website instead of the hashtag.
For any kind of merchandise or advertisement always write "PulseX.com" instead of "PulseX".
HEX PulseChain PulseX wallpaper Richard Heart

PulseX.com 3d X wallpaper

PulseX.com moon wallpaper

PulseX.com ocean wallpaper

PulseX.com wallpaper

Thanks to @eskizo09T!
Gradient data
Green gradient: linear-gradient(30deg, #0f5 0%, #0f9 100%)
Red gradient: linear-gradient(-30deg, #f00 0%, #f03 100%)

PulseX.com green gradient
Other downloads
PulseX profile picture PulseX.com Profile Picture

Black PLSX coin PulseX.com PLSX coin logo

Trezor homescreen logo 144x144 PulseX.com Trezor Homescreen Logo
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